2016年5月7日 星期六

Under My Thumb

Under my thumb 
The squirmin' dog who's just had her day 
Under my thumb 
A girl who has just changed her ways 

It's down to me 
The way she talks when she's spoken to 
Down to me, the change has come, 
She's under my thumb 

Under my thumb 
A Siamese cat of a girl 
Under my thumb 
She's the sweetest, hmmm, pet in the world 

It's down to me, yes it is 
The way she does just what she's told 
Down to me, the change has come 
She's under my thumb 

(Rolling Stones - Under My Thumb)

喜歡這首歌,在Dom身邊蹭蹭撒嬌舔舔,當一隻聽話的寵物,被寵愛。 <3


有些人會批評這是在貶低女性地位,但Mick Jagger解釋整首歌的原意是一個翻轉局勢的故事,前幾段歌詞寫的是女孩過去玩弄男孩於掌心,只是後來立場互換了,無意貶低女性。

(Brian Jones的木琴超棒的!>\\\\\\\<)

